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Prisma is a company in Sorrento that specializes in environmental surveys of land and sea that uses methods of design that are aimed at the protection of the environment. My supervisor, Giuseppe de Maoi, had many roles at Prisma one being the lead finance manager of projects. I also reported to the team's geologist, Genaro. He showed me how to use all the programs that are designed to map the seafloor. My responsibility at Prisma was to complete projects as presented to me. These projects were aimed at the indication of geological features under the sea through specific software and tools


Project | 01
Project | 01 Marina D'Arechi​

This project was to highlight the geological characteristics of the sea floor surrounding the island port of Marina D'Arechi located on the west coast of Italy.

Project | 01 Marina D'Arechi​

This project was to highlight the geological characteristics of the sea floor surrounding the island port of Marina D'Arechi located on the west coast of Italy.

Project | 02 Canal of Lago de Verano 


Lago de Verano is a large lake east of Italy. It's canal's geology are of interest to constructionists. This map is simply used as a preface to inform the dimensions of the lake. This was done using mapping software, QGIS, project tool, Auto CAD, and a few other smaller programs.

Project | 02
Project | 03 Sea Floor Auto CAD Drawings

These are many drawings of sea floor geology sketched over actual scans of the sea floor. The different colors represent the different types of materials that are found on the bottom of ocean floors. I used the project software Auto CAD to complete this. 

Project | 03


Prisma was a blast to work at and I had a lot more fun than I thought I would working in an office environment. It was challenging at first because not everyone at Prisma speaks English well, and computers and software were all in Italian. I had to quickly adapt and memorize key phrases in Italian in order to complete my work. My co-workers  and supervisor made working there a smooth experience overall. 

I learned a lot about and got plenty of experience with multiple programs designed for mapping and map design. With these tools I was able to produce work that I was truly proud of. I plan to use this experience as a way to show future employers that I have the experience with major tools used by geological analysts everyday.

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